• 58349722
  • 58327845
Different Price for Overseas

台灣 HelloStudio 你好工作室 割型貼紙 旅行郵便局 Travel Postal_1651002

Regular price
NT$ 2.56
Sale price
NT$ 2.56
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
Worldwide shipping | 拉斯洛企業有限公司
Worldwide shipping
Secure payments | 拉斯洛企業有限公司
Secure payments
Authentic products | 拉斯洛企業有限公司
Authentic products
喜歡在旅途中書寫明信片的時光, 最大的魅力莫過於貼上郵票,蓋下郵戳, 飄洋過海送到收信人手中。 將一張張的割型貼紙設計為郵票的形狀,無需額外剪裁, 撕下就是一張張精緻而可愛的郵票貼紙, 貼在手帳、卡片、明信片上,都是最有溫度的點綴。 / 好久沒有看到這個小小的窗戶了,好想眺望那一覽無遺的漸層青空; 好久沒有聽到飛機裡傳來的廣播聲,好想背起背包離開家旅行去。 全新 Departure 系列,帶你一起回憶旅行的雀躍。 搭配可愛的狐吉與細緻小插圖,一起期待下一趟的旅程吧。
Hello Studio 你好工作室 出品 / Illustrated by Reiko 壘摳 尺寸:長19.8cm x 寬8.5cm 材質:霧面透明貼紙 Made in Taiwan

◆ B2B 採購須知 / B2B Purchase Notice ◆
◇ 作家作品訂購說明:
   2、每張訂單最低訂購金額為 NTD 5,000

◇ 因各項商品安全庫存量不一,發貨期間約為 7-21個工作日,正確交期請與責任業務窗口聯繫

◇ 由於品項多從國外採購進口,故除產品瑕疵外,訂單成立後不接受退訂、退貨或其他取消交易之事由,敬請理解

◇ 台灣境內 - 免運門檻為 NTD 3000,不足額之訂單將酌收 NTD 100 之國內段運費
   國際運送 - 無免運額度,訂單可自行安排配送,或於雙方同意運費報價後以敝司簽約合作之快遞 FedEx 配送

◇ 因每台螢幕硬體設備不同,照片與實品難免產生色差,若購買前對商品細節有所疑問,歡迎訊息或來電詢問

◆ B2B Purchase Notice ◆

◇  Original Design's Products Ordering Guidelines:
    1、Each Designer's work must be ordered separately.
    2、The minimum order amount per order is NTD 5,000.

◇ Due to variations in the safety stock levels of different products, the delivery period is approximately 7-21 business days. For accurate delivery times, please get in touch with your business representative.

◇ Most products are imported through overseas procurement. Except for product defects, orders cannot be canceled, returned, or canceled after establishment. Your understanding is appreciated.

◇ In Taiwan, there is free shipping over NTD 3,000 orders. Orders below this amount will incur a domestic shipping fee of NTD 100.

   For international shipping, there is no free shipping. Orders can be arranged for delivery on your own, or you can use our delivery partner, FedEx, to ship your package. Shipping costs are quoted after completed packing.

◇ Due to differences in each screen's hardware settings, color variations between photos and actual products may exist. If you have questions about the product details before purchasing, please message or call for inquiries.